Susan Fallender Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, Achievement 2024

Susan Fallender Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, Achievement 2024
Susan Fallender Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, Achievement 2024

Susan Fallender has been a talented actress in the entertainment industry for many years. She was born on November 22, 1957, and is 67 years old. Standing at an average height, Susan has made a name for herself through her captivating performances on screen. In 2024, she will be celebrating her 67th birthday, and we can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next.

Who is Susan Fallender?

Susan Fallender is a special lady who acts in movies and TV shows. Imagine playing dress-up and pretending but doing it so well that it becomes your job. That what Susan does. She was born a long time ago, in 1957, which might seem like a page from a history book.

But she’s still full of energy and surprises. One cool thing she did was pretend to be a character from a far-away space place in a show called “Star Trek.” Imagine being an alien for a day; how fun that would be!

Early Life and Education

Susan Fallender was a little girl, she had big dreams, just like many of us. She was born in a place far away from the bright lights of Hollywood. As she grew up, she loved playing pretend and telling stories. This love for make-believe led her to learn more about acting.

Susan went to school like all kids, but she also spent time learning how to be a great actress. She worked hard and learned a lot, which helped her become the star we know today.


Susan Fallender Real Name

Susan Fallender is the name she known by when we see her acting in movies or on TV. But when she was born, her parents named Susan J. Fallender. Sometimes, people use a shorter or different name when they become actors.

When you play a game and pretend to be someone else, you might choose a unique name for your character. So, when Susan acts, she uses the name Susan Fallender. It’s her memorable name for all the stories she tells on the screen.

Susan Fallender Currant Address

Susan Fallender lives now is a mystery. We don’t talk about where people live precisely, especially in articles or blogs, because everyone’s home is their private space. Like you wouldn’t want someone telling the world where your secret hideout is, we keep addresses secret to respect privacy.

What essential is Susan’s fantastic work on TV and in movies, not where she sends her mail. So, we focus on her acting magic instead of where her house is.

Susan Fallender Nationality

Susan Fallender was born in a country called the United States. This means she is American. Just like some of us are from places where we eat burgers, watch baseball, or celebrate the Fourth of July, Susan is from there, too.

American is part of who she is, but remember, she has played roles from all over space, even pretending to be from different planets! No matter where she pretends to be from in her acting, in real life, she shares the same nationality as many people who live in the United States.

Susan Fallender Age, Height, Weight

Susan Fallender was born a long time ago, in 1957. That makes her 67 years old right now. When we talk about how tall someone is, Susan is just as tall as your mom might be, not too tall or short. And for how much she weighs, it just like how everyone has their size and shape; Susan does, too.

It not nice to ask someone how much they weight, so we don’t discuss that. It fun to know that Susan loves acting and brings her characters to life, no matter how old or tall she is.

Susan Fallender Husband

Susan Fallender is married to a man named Charles Shaughnessy. Charles is also an actor; you might have seen him on TV. They met long ago and decided they wanted to be together forever. Like in fairy tales where the prince and princess live happily ever after, Susan and Charles have their own happy story.

They like to support each other, just like good friends do. It’s nice when people care for each other and work together to achieve their dreams.

Susan Fallender: Decades of Loving Marriage With Charles Shaughnessy

Susan Fallender Wikipedia

Susan Fallender look for her on Wikipedia, but sometimes, not everyone has a page. It’s like an online library where you can read stories about people like astronauts, teachers, and even actors like Susan.

If you’re curious about the movies she been in or other fun facts, asking a grown-up to help you search online might find some cool stuff. Remember, the internet is like a giant treasure chest; sometimes, you find gold and other times, you must keep looking.

Susan Fallender Twitter ,facebook , Instagaram

Susan Fallender might be relatively busy on social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, but that’s okay! Sometimes, people prefer sharing their lives with their close friends and family instead of everyone on the internet. Imagine if you had to tell the whole world about it every time you drew a picture or played outside.

That might feel overwhelming. So, if you’re trying to find Susan on these websites to see what she up to, remember she likes to keep things private just like how you might have secrets you only tell your best friend.

Susan Fallender Presence on social media

Susan Fallender likes to keep her life private, so she only shares a little on places like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Think of it like when you’re playing and choose not to tell everyone every detail that what Susan does. She enjoys keeping some things just for herself and her family.

Even though she doesn’t post all the time it okay because she’s sharing her life in the way that makes her happiest. Remember, only some people want to share everything online, and that perfectly fine.

Susan Fallender Career

Susan Fallender is an actress, which means she pretends to be different people in movies and TV shows. She has been doing this for many years and has appeared in many stories people watch on their screens. One of her most exciting roles was playing a space alien from a show called “Star Trek.”

Imagine putting on makeup and costumes to become someone else for a day; that what Susan does for her job. She has shown her talent in acting by being many different characters, making people believe in those stories just by watching her.

Schauspielerin Susan Fallender: Karriere, romulanische Rolle und Ehe mit Charles Shaughnessy - Andere

Susan Fallender Net Worth

Talking about how much money someone has is like guessing how many candies are in a jar without looking inside. For Susan Fallender, we are still determining the exact number of candies, but I mean the money she has. She acted in movies and shows, and that how actors make money by bringing characters to life.

Just like when you help at home and get some allowance, Susan gets paid for acting. But remember, the important thing isn’t how much money she has, but the beautiful stories she tells through acting.

Susan Fallender Achievement

Susan Fallender has done some fantastic things in her acting career. Think of it like collecting stickers or earning badges for doing cool stuff. For Susan, one of her most enormous “stickers” was when she got to play a character from outer space in “Star Trek.”

It as if you were pretending to be an astronaut, and everyone believed you were one because you did such a great job. Besides “Star Trek,” she has acted in many shows and movies, making people happy and entertained by watching her.

Susan Fallender Hobbies

  • Susan Callender loves acting but also enjoys fun activities, like you!
  • She likes reading stories. Imagine diving into a book and going on adventures without leaving your room.
  • Gardening is another hobby. She plants flowers and watches them grow, just like magic!
  • Susan enjoys painting too. She creates colorful pictures with her brush, like coloring on a big canvas.
  • Walking in nature makes her happy. Think of exploring a forest and finding hidden treasures like cool leaves or funny-shaped rocks.
  • Susan loves spending time with her family, playing games, and making each other laugh. It like having your best friends over for a never-ending playdate.

Susan Fallender FAQS

  • What does Susan Fallender do?
    She an actress who pretends to be different people on TV and in movies.
  • Is Susan Fallender from space?
    No, she played a space alien once on “Star Trek,” but she really from the United States.
  • How old is Susan?
    She was born in 1957, so you can count from there to find out how old she is now.
  • Does Susan Fallender have a family?
    Yes, she married Charles Shaughnessy, and they have two daughters.
  • Can I find Susan on Instagram or Twitter?
    She likes to keep things private to be more active on social media.
  • What are some things Susan likes to do?
    She enjoys reading, gardening, painting, walking in nature, and spending time with her family.


Susan Fallender is like a superhero in acting. She’s been in excellent shows and movies, making people smile and wonder with her talent. Susan shows us that following dreams, like acting or any fun hobby, can lead to amazing adventures. She keeps some things private, like where she lives or her social media, but that’s okay because her acting still brings joy to many.


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